excuses : Due to my lameness i didn't finish this demo in time. Allthough the result isn't that bad, and tbl sucks.. so i guess there's nothing to complain about eh !? thank yous : uyaniK/trsi : very nice, very cool... mega thanx ! orlingo/bs : i'm so sorry i didn't use your module,... allthough cool it didn't fit like the one i used right now... i did use the mega cool "OP" sample... so everythings ok i guess ! blunt : gewoon omdat je blunt bent ! infant : hustler.com tycoon : sih cancalled.. wat is dat nou voor shit ?!.. iso : bakkebaard. tf2 : sl1200turbostreetfighterpromixer ! contact : celtic : celtic@dra.nl orlingo : orlingo@publishnet.nl http: : www.dra.nl/~smellon smellon design secret pickupline (allways works for me!) : Go to a girl, and check out the label that's in her shirt... when she sais : hey what are you doing ?!!! you say : just checking if you are really made in heaven. release info : This demo should have been released ages ago, but i was to lazy to do the coding/gfx/cooking and cleaning myself. axis hello ? : lowlife,tim,anthony,iso... haven't you heard anything the parakrishna said ? last words : may the scene feelin' be with YOU forever, i seem to have lost it along time ago.. don't let it happen to you.